Safari-Themed Keycaps Part 1:

        Tiger and Zebra

category: mixed crafts
difficulty: intermediate
materials: clay, silicone, epoxy resin, ...
caution: safety measures

Tutorial by Vitaliia Kunilova

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stage 1.     Sculpt polymer clay into the desired shapes. Then bake them in the oven following the instructions of the clay manufacturer. Optional: after clay cools down, apply acrylic varnish to give a glossy or matt finish.

stage 2.    Make a 2-parts silicone mold of the clay models and of keycap stems from a mechanical keyboard. 

stage 3.    Once silicone is dry, carefully remove the clay models. Mix the epoxy resin and start with filling in the small details first and wait for them to cure. Fill up the rest and place the stem mold on top, right is in the center. Wait for 24 hours and it's ready to demold. 

stage 4.    Trim excess, fix bubbles with UV resin if needed, sand and polish. TA-DAA! You now have 2 artisan Safari-themed keycaps on your keyboard!
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